2024 PSM ASSET MANAGERS CONFERENCE: Users share experience with 501F and 7EA projects
501 F&G Users Group / By Team-CCJ
This is the third and final segment of CCJ’s report on PSM’s 2024 Asset Management Conference, conducted at the Westin Beach Resort, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla, January 29-February 1. Segment One appeared in CCJ No. 78, pp 58-63, Segment Two in CCJ No. 79, pp 81-87.
Focus here is on the comprehensive suite of products and services, including PSM’s well-known GTOP and FlameSheet™ brands, available for the 501F machine (Fig 1), a technology development effort begun a decade and a half ago, including two presentations on field experience from two of the largest gas- turbine/combined-cycle owner/operators in the country. A third user presentation reviews experience with a 7EA upgrade.
From a high level, the various 501F GTOP versions offer output increases of between 8 and 20 MW and heat rate improvements from -2.5% to -3.8%. Soon, GTOP (with FlameSheet™ Gen VII) will be achieving sub-30% turndown. Total number of 501F hot-gas-path (HGP)/compressor upgrades performed by PSM.
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