Long-Term Service Agreements (LTSA)

Partner with PSM for long-term service agreements to get more out of your gas plant assets.

Flexible Long-Term Agreements

As a leading parts, services, and upgrades provider in the industry, PSM offers comprehensive and flexible Long-Term Agreements for GE/Siemens/Mitsubishi B/E and F-type gas turbines to help decrease lifecycle costs to the end user. Our PSM-engineered part design enables us to increase the component life and extend the program intervals, eliminating inspections and providing the customer with significant life cycle cost reduction. In addition, through our experience with component performance we offer a comprehensive portfolio of upgrade and retrofit options including: Flamesheet™ combustion technology for E and F class turbines, LEC ultra-low emission combustion systems and our Gas Turbine Optimization Package (GTOP) to improve performance and output. PSM has also assembled a highly skilled and experienced field service organization capable of industry-leading outage performance.

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Structured Contracts

Our LTAs are structured to offer the flexibility to determine the level of scope, ranging from full-service offerings to a pricing agreement.

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Dedicated Customer Service

PSM provides a dedicated Customer Service Manager to ensure your plant operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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Parts Supply & Inventory

PSM supplies the latest engineered parts over the life of the agreement and integrates the OEM parts (where applicable) currently operating or in  the customer’s inventory.

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Remote Monitoring

PSM provides engineering and operational support in troubleshooting issues outside of the normal inspection periods. The support includes a staff located in Jupiter, FL supporting the monitoring function on a 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-per-week basis.

Intelligent Data
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Field Service

PSM offers a fully integrated outage team of highly experienced professionals capable of turning overhauls around in a timely, safe, and quality manner.

Field Services
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PSM offers solutions for gas turbine repairs, upgrades, and enhancements for existing gas turbines from OEMs worldwide to improve optimization and performance.

Retrofits & Upgrades
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PSM provides Reconditioning Services for all program parts at our 76,000 square foot ISO qualified facility with on-site  access to our full engineering capabilities.

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Environmental Safety & Health

PSM implements working practices which prevent any personal, material and environmental damage, based on the principles covered by the Standards ISO 14001 (Environmental) and ISO 45001 along with our Code of Ethics.

EHS Systems

PSM Service Agreement Offerings

Included Product Offereings

Long Term Agreement (LTA)

Long Term Maintenance Agreement (LTMA)

Frame Agreement

Parts Supply


Field Services


Monitoring & Diagnostics (Remote Monitoring)



Contract Manager



Inventory Management


Learn More

Long Term Agreements Brochure

Explore PSM gas turbine services

Intelligent Digital Data

Utilizing the latest digital technology, our engineers monitor operation conditions of critical equipment 24 hours a day year round. Our team monitors emissions and combustion to increase operations flexibility and profitability to boost function effectiveness and safety.

Field and Site Services

PSM has broad experience in servicing numerous gas turbine product lines including aeroderivative and aviation turbines, components, and accessories. Emergency and scheduled services available.

Manufacturing and Repair

PSM's manufacturing and repair facility offers new manufacturing of gas turbine components, as well as engineered repair solutions for GE, MHI, Siemens/Westinghouse and other OEM gas turbine engines.

Power Plant Support

The power generation market drives power plant operators to increase output, improve heat rate and lower operational costs. PSM will collaborate with you to find and create an integrated solution optimized for your specific requirements.

Service Engineering Support

PSM Design and Engineering Teams have complete in-house capabilities to solve component and system-level gas turbine and balance-of-plant issues.

Rotor Services

PSM offers gas turbine operators a rotor management solution that capitalizes on PSM’s engineering expertise, with full Rotor Service and Rotor Lifetime Extension capabilities that can extend the useful lifetime of your rotor.

Service Agreements

PSM's Long Term Service Agreements offer gas turbine operators and plants the flexibility to determine the level of scope, ranging from full-service offerings to a pricing agreement so that they are optimized to ensure total coverage.

Want to learn more?

Contact PSM today
service agreement

Gas Turbine upgrades to date




Hydrogen combustion target